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// ABGESAGT // Transformational Breathwork – with Cari Merriam

Fri, April 24, 2020

20:00 – 22:00 CEST

Price €26.64

TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/transformational-breathwork-tickets-85489887555


About this Event

For the longest time, I felt like I had denied a huge part of myself to fit in. I denied myself from sharing my message and gifts with the mainstream world. I was told not to be to woo woo, don't ever use the word God, and don't present myself as too spiritual.

The crazy thing is that I actually listened. I created a belief that to get my message and serve more people I needed to change my language. Guess what - it hasn't worked. If anything it left me feeling more confused, isolated, and in between worlds. Can you relate? That feeling of where do I fit in... what am I meant to do on this planet?

When we try and fit ourselves into a societal formula we are denying our truth, our inner uniqueness and wisdom.

The keys to success aren't in a formula. They aren't in getting up at 5 am, they aren't starting before you are ready, they aren't hidden in a seven steps process to health, wealth, and happiness.

The keys to your success are in understanding YOU. Your unique makeup, your divine wisdom, your human brilliance.

Get clear on your truths.

Awaken to your highest potential.

Clear and heal all the stagnate energy that has been suppressed from years of not speaking and living your truth.

Connect with an amazing group of souls each and every month.

These are only a few benefits you will receive when you enroll in this breathwork workshop... which doesn't even include how much it will also shift your entire vibrational being and influence all other aspects of your life.

I am here to hold space and to accelerate your healing. Join me the last Friday of each month. Accelerate into more wholeness as you uncover the truths of your soul and create the success you desire in your life.

25€ energy exchange at the door or book online

Email with any questions. cari@carimerriam.com

x Cari

Cari Merriam — Organizer of Transformational Breathwork

Cari Foto by Grit Siwonia.jpg

Cari Merriam is a teacher, healer, speaker and wellbeing specialist. With more than 10 years experience in the Yoga industry, and 10,000+ hours of training and certifications she brings a wealth of learnings and insights to her workshops. Known for her fast-moving energy and ability to accelerate the healing process in people, she now focuses on self-development through spiritual awakening. Today she shares her teachings on stage around the world (from MindValley to Tech Open Air to Melt Festival) and her mission is to help people move past internal struggles, and into the realm of their natural, human brilliance.