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Deep Tissue Release – with Martina Ferstl

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In this workshop, you’ll learn a self-care practice to release tension (back, shoulders, hips) that we tend to store in our physical body. This longer session invites you to lovingly tend to your body applying a Yin mindset to your practice.

The workshop gives you insights into your body’s landscape of acupressure points. In longer held yin poses we will use a tennis ball to gently massage those points. Time and self-compassion will be the magic ingredients that allow us to soften and to release tension deeply stored. With this technique of self-massage, you support your body in activating its own self-healing mechanisms.

First, we will relax and de-stress hips, buttocks, pelvis, and parts of the legs, followed by softening the back and shoulders. We’ll seal the workshop with a long relaxing posture to allow the effect to sink in deeply. We integrate and explore some breathing techniques, adding extra pleasure and relaxation to this form of Yin yoga. After this workshop, you’ll be able to apply the technique of deep tissue release easily at home.

FOR WHOM? This workshop is open to everyone. In case of pregnancy and severe injuries please check with me beforehand to make sure, that the workshop fits your needs.

29 € or 20 € + Check-In for USC-members (M-XL)
22 € reduced price for students, etc.

REGISTRATION: Reserve your spot by writing a simple email to martina@feel-yoga.org

Martina is a yoga lover and experienced yoga teacher with more than 500 hrs of training. She loves to create a mindful space for your inner journey. A soft voice and gentle assistance invite a spirit of letting go and relaxation.
