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Heart Coherence Meditation & Alchemy Crystal Bowls Sound Bath


For the second New Moon of 2020 I invite you to the Heart Coherence Meditation followed by Alchemy Crystal Bowls Sound Bath.

***New Moon***

The New Moon lands in Pisces, thus we will focus on Pisces themes – healing, sacrifice, surrender, transcendence, confusion, delusion, foggyness, and will team it with Capricorn themes: endurance, long-term vision, planning, success.

This is a New Moon that could add hope and acceptance, as we surrender, and renew our resolve with a genuine, realistic sense of faith (thanks to Capricorn’s influence).

It is the time to ask yourself, where are new boundaries flourishing? How is the old being dissolved and something fresh being given nourishment to grow? The blend of earth and water feels like a healthy and sustainable platform.

***Heart Coherence Meditation***

When you are in a coherent state, your thoughts and emotions are balanced and you experience ease and inner harmony.

You will learn to use the power of your heart to balance thoughts and emotions, to achieve energy, mental clarity and feel better. This is beneficial especially when you begin feeling a draining emotion such as frustration, irritation, anxiety or anger.

You will discover how to find a feeling of ease and inner harmony that’s reflected in more balanced heart rhythms, facilitating brain function and more access to higher intelligence through Heart Coherence Meditation.

In this state we will revisit our Intentions for this year and Decade or set the new ones. Next you will be invited to drop into deep rest state to receive the healing through Alchemy Crystal Bowls, which will penetrate each cell of your body allowing it to return to it optimum state and let intentions permeate you on all levels.

Please note: This event is not suitable for pregnant women and those with epilepsy due to intended use of binaural beats.

Energy exchange: 35 €

To secure your spot please transfer the payment & send confirmation to info@reikischoolberlin.com

Ewelina Bubanja
Deutsche Bank
IBAN: DE74100700240088430400

Or via Paypal (sender bares extra fees)

Cash payments are possible at the door (without guarantee of the spot)