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We are excited to get to know you and have you with us in building the first generation of PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® teachers. Here is what you will learn, experience and share within the teacher training and the mentor program afterwards. For any questions please write Eva an email hello@evakaczor.co.



  1. Four days of training in Berlin (March 19-22, 2020)

  2. Three-months mentorship program (where we support your growth and teaching skills)


We will spend four fully packed days in a beautiful location in the centre of Berlin. The curriculum is designed to give you the best foundation possible to teach PSYCHEDELIC BREATH®,. You will learn everything from the neuroscientific perspective on breathing and altered states, the physiology of breath, how to sequence a class and hold space, choose music and work with essential oils and healing touch. And most of all we want you to develop your own voice within PSYCHEDELIC BREATH®, so expect to start teaching right away during those days.

EACH MORNING we start with a guided meditation, breathwork and / or Eva’s Detox Workout to get your bodies and mind energized. Then we alternate between theory and practical teaching experience.


  • SCIENCE of breath

  • Overview of breathwork TECHNIQUES & SCHOOLS

  • The foundation of PSYCHEDELIC BREATH®

  • The PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® technique & its effect on body, brain and emotions

  • STRUCTURE & SEQUENCING: How to compose a PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® class incl. spiritual topic / warm up / choreography / integration

  • Essential OILS & HEALING TOUCH

  • MUSIC: How to choose your music, create playlists & initiate artist collaborations

  • BUSINESS & MARKETING: how to approach studios & locations / set your pricing / marketing & communication / partnerships & events

You will also get homework that prepares you for your teaching practice during the training.


After the training you are practicing and growing your teaching skills within a 3-months mentorship program. That looks like this:

  • You teach 6 PSYCHEDELIC BREATH classes within those 3 months

  • You are free to choose where you teach and how many students. We care about your teaching experience and will support you growing with it.

Eva will support you by

  • 1 personal feedback video call

  • 3 live group Q&A video calls

  • a facebook group to exchange questions and tipps with your fellow teachers plus supervision from Eva

After completion you receive your PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® certificate which includes a 12 months license.


EARLY BIRD (apply till Dec 31st, 2019)              1.333 € (inkl. MwSt)
REGULAR                   1.555 € (inkl. MwSt)

The price includes:

  • Full 4 days training curriculum  

  • 3-months mentorship program

  • PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® teacher license for one year

  • Organic lunch, snacks & refreshments during the 4 days of training

*split payments are possible in individual cases


Our intention is to continue supporting your growth and the quality of your work after the first year of teaching - that is why we have a license fee of 22€ / per month for the ones of you who decide to keep teaching PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® after 12 months of their own teaching experience. Within those first twelve months you will see for yourself how PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® suits you and how you can grow a business with it.
If you decide after this year that this is not for you, you are obviously free to step away from teaching and in this case also from the 22€ per month.

We designed this license program for you and for us to ensure the quality of the teachings and support your growth with it - content and business wise.
Here are examples what we will send to you each month:

  • New playlist for each month

  • Spiritual topic of the month that can serve as base for your topics during class

  • Guided meditations for your own practice and for class

  • Your name and location will be listed on the official PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® webpage, so people in your area can book you

  • Knowledge sources such as books, podcasts and teachers

Frühere Events: 16. März