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  • Christina Metzler Böttgerstr. 16 13357 Berlin Germany (Karte)

Cacao Ceremony, Embodied Movement & Yoga Nidra

The Experience of Cacao, Embodied Movement & Yoga Nidra is your opportunity for introspection, emotional movement research & stress release.

This workshop is dedicated to a celebration of new beginnings! Sometimes changes just happen and the best thing you can do is observe and embrace it. Sometimes we choose to make a conscious change in our lives and it can be helpful to embrace it from the inside-out by acknowledging the desire and setting a firm intention. This workshop is dedicated to a celebration of new beginnings! 

What to bring:
- yourself, just as you are, no prior experience necessary
- comfy clothes in layers, something to move and sweat in, something to sleep and relax in
- a cozy shawl for the long savasana
- a bottle of water
- a simple snack/ fruit to share

- bring a friend, some one you love and trust

What to expect:

Cacao Ceremony:

A ritualistic Cacao Ceremony is an ideal moment to embark on an heart opening introspective journey. We will create our own sound bath using our voices, set intentions, offer gratitude and boost our mood with delicious raw cacao from Guatemala.

Embodied Movement:

Intuitive movements will express themselves from a fusion of meditative and playful visualisations, dance therapy, somatic research and breath work.

You will be guided to experience the bodies store of memories and emotions that are held in fascia, mind and movement patterns. Through researching embodied emotions in this curious manner, you can offer the body new ways to experience sensations and free yourself from memorised patterns.

Embodied movement is a research in your own body and in playful interaction through the dynamic of the group.

Yoga Nidra:

Yoga Nidra, also called "psychic sleep ", is a powerful relaxation and meditation technique derived from ancient Tantra that induces relaxation of body and mind.

This deeply relaxed and lucid dream state is the perfect ground for setting an intention. Take your time in choosing prior to the event. The words should be positively formulated, precise and clear so that they can penetrate the subconscious more easily.

With Marianne Mary Schmidt - Yoga Instructor, Dancer, Holistic Bodyworker and Massage Therapist

Marianne Schmidt, aka Mari, has been teaching yoga and practicing as a holistic bodyworker and massage therapist for more than 12 years. 
Born in India, her life has been unusual and nomadic from the beginning. She grew up in communities on three continents. When Mari entered her teens, she wanted to go to a normal school, settle down and learn some German :) After studying for several years in Potsdam, her roots reached out to her to travel the world as a performer and dancer, from Asia to Australia to Argentina and at some point, as a fresh mama, she landed in Berlin. During this period, her fascination for the close connection between physique and psyche has only grown.
Mari combines her life experience, cultural diversity, yoga philosophy and therapy into her work. Her zest for life and her passion for freedom are her constant guides.

Price: sliding scale 33-39 €

Tea, water and fruit will be provided for a relaxed space at the end of the workshop.

Späteres Event: 11. Dezember
YOGA MEETS MUSIC – mit Jane Hergert