– with Estefania Lopez
Understand your movements as the elixir of life, to experience from the infinite journey of your own being. Creating gentle movements to express your inner world. Going deeper to not only understand but also feel the connection between body, soul and spirit.
In this workshop we will put our focus on the mobility of your spine: discussing how to infuse activity into every single fiber of your musculature through gentle movements to create more space. how to infuse your spine w/honey while riding your wave #spinalewave? Enjoy your spinal wave while aligning through movement in a honey way.
HONEY FLUIDITY is a concept in which the movement through the component of honeyflow is meant to give you the space you need while transforming with your breath, body and soul. To come a little closer to yourself.
* picante HONEYFLOW as Movement is Medicine.
* method Honey fluidity - Spinal Wave -
* Reflection exercises
* Community Talk about the relevance of strength and flexibility in everyday life: a way of empowering the self to unlock the life's elixir.
* Breathwork
* Space for sharing and community love
3h with yummy movements, snacks & community love. Suitable for all levels. For all who want to deepen their yoga practice. Workshop will be a mixture of german & english
Price: 35 Euro
Saturday, October 14th 2023
1:00 - 4:00pm
Deine Bewegungen als Lebenselixier verstehen, um daraus die unendliche Reise des eigenen Seins zu erleben.
Sanfte Bewegungen kreieren, um deine Innenwelt zum Ausdruck zu bringen.
Tiefer einzudringen, um die Verbindung zwischen Körper, Seele und Geist nicht nur zu verstehen, sondern auch zu spüren.
FOKUS auf die Wirbelsäule
3h mit yummy movements, snacks & community love.
Für alle Level geeignet.
Für alle die ihre Yoga praxis vertiefen wollen.
Preis: 35 Euro
Samstag, 14. Oktober 2023
13:00 - 16:00