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Experience the Ultimate Moving Meditation: Join the 108 Suryanamaskar Workshop

  • Christina Metzler Böttgerstr. 16 13357 Berlin Germany (Karte)

Experience the Ultimate Moving Meditation: Join the 108 Suryanamaskar Workshop

Dive deep into the ancient practice of Suryanamaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, with this transformative 108 Suryanamaskar Workshop. This energetic practice is designed to generate internal heat and foster personal growth, it will not just test your physical endurance but rejuvenate your entire being. Come and experience the profound benefits of this moving meditation, promoting physical relaxation, mental clarity, and spiritual connection.

Why 108 Sun Salutations?

The number 108 holds profound significance in yogic and Hindu traditions.
"One" symbolises the unity and interconnectedness of everything, "zero" represents emptiness and potential, and "eight" signifies infinity and the boundless nature of the universe and the self. Together, these concepts encapsulate the entirety of existence. Performing 108 Suryanamaskars is a powerful practice that honors this sacred number, allowing you to connect deeply with your inner self.

What to Expect in the Workshop

  • Meditation

  • Warm-Up

  • Guided Suryanamaskar

  • Long Shavasana

Who can attend?

Participants should have a basic level of physical fitness and an openness to a practice that challenges both the body and mind. This workshop is perfect for those seeking to deepen their yoga practice, push their physical boundaries, or embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Whether you are a seasoned yoga practitioner or new to the practice, the 108 Suryanamaskar Workshop offers a unique opportunity to challenge yourself and experience growth in ways you never thought possible.