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Yoga and Sound – Special class with Hakan Tugrul & Katharina Dodel

Yoga and Sound – Special class with Hakan Tugrul & Katharina Dodel

Flow like water, bathe in sound


Saturday, 24th October 2020, 
7-9pm /// 30 €

We flow together like the ocean, individually like waves.

The magical, smooth sounds of Hakan on his Santur will help us finding deep breaths and deep movements to once calm down and find ease in the very present moment. While listening to his tunes Katharina will guide you through different stages – standing and flowing, sitting and grounding, laying and floating into shavasana. We’ll start moving like water, shapeless, intuitivly, and end in restorative and devotional postures.

These deeply intense two hours guide you into a deep relaxation and a deep connection between body, mind and breath. So close your eyes, feel, move and let go.

What is Santur?

The santur was invented and developed in the area of Iran and Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq). It’s a wooden surface with strings which distribute their sound by tapping with mallets. You can kind of compare it to the Bavarian „Hackbrett“. Listen to Hakan playing at the Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche and you’ll get the vibe.

What style of Yoga do we practice?

You’ll move slowly, you’ll move consciously, you’ll move and feel into your body. We’ll practice a vinyasa-class devided into four sections: One will be meditative, one will be fluid, free and standing, two will be fluid, grounding and guiding into deep relaxation. It’s about closing your eyes and letting the music guide you. Be curious, be open.

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Hakan Tugrul – Musician

Hakan followed his deep intention: Once he heard the sound of Santur he decided to learn playing it. So in 2009 he travelled Iran and India to learn from experienced masters such as Ali Bahramifard. Since then he played a lot of concerts and festivals, he founded a band, he recorded his music, he lives the music. Visit him on his facebook-acoount.


Katharina Dodel – Yogateacher

Strength and relaxation, effort and ease, fun and seriousness, noise and calm – throughout all these qualities we get to know ourselves better and we appreciate balance. That can be transferred to life as well as to yoga. Katharina loves to share this feeling of freedom, joy and ease during practice. Her yoga practice is quite fluid and slow by using strength intelligently to ease into every asana and into your body. For her these fluid and meditative movements perfectly fit with Hakans music. As soon as she’ve heard him she immediately needed to move. So she closed her eyes and listend to his music as well as her body. Check out her Instagram page.
